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  2. Dineypins

    PIN ID Help!

    Amazing! Thank you so much!
  3. Dragon57

    PIN ID Help!

    @Dineypins the Tinker bell pin is The Mickey Santa pin is The Mickey & Minnie pin is I believe the mickey alphabet is
  4. Dineypins

    PIN ID Help!

    My Girlfriend recently inherited about 100 pins from her grandmother and we've been cataloging them here on pinpics! We love this site so far and cant wait to grow our collection. We have a handful of pins we can't find in the DB and we were hoping to get some help IDing them. Anything helps We are excited to hear from you all!
  5. Yesterday
  6. sithathoriunet

    Ongoing Game: ZAP-it Forward!

    And I'll zap @Hart!
  7. TheTwins


    A user submitted the Pascal Plush pin last night, and it's now active on the database:
  8. Hart

    Ongoing Game: ZAP-it Forward!

    lol I’ll Zap @firechief18
  9. "The worst of us is not without innocence, although buried deeply it might be. In my work I try to reach and speak to that innocence, showing it the fun and joy of living; showing it that laughter is healthy; showing it that the human species, although happily ridiculous at times, is still reaching for the stars." ~ Walt Disney
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  10. Hi, Wesley! Welcome to PinPics! You'll be able to post a new thread in the Selling section after you've been a member for 30 days. While that fact was posted in the general selling rules, I've just added it to the board description, since it's probably easy to miss. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  11. firechief18

    Hello! Just joined to hopefully find my pins a new home

    Sorry to hear that you are selling your collection. Wish you the best.
  12. Not sure why its grayed out. @TheTwins may be able to assist.
  13. Hello, I'm Wesley from Hong Kong. I was a fellow Disney Pin collector, and unfortunately my days of pin collecting have come to an end due to personal matters. I've come to Pinpics in hopes of selling my collection of pins (most of them have been released from over a decade ago) to loving homes (I wanted to post a thread at the "Disney Pin Selling" section but the button is grayed out somehow?)
  14. The Hidden Mickeys are on a shelf. The other collections are the ones hanging. I will have to do that and post them.
  15. Right! And you have them all hanging, right? It's very ingenious. If you ever take a photo, it'd be great if you'd share your organization!
  16. I currently have 7 pin bags to hold all my Hidden Mickeys.
  17. TheTwins

    HELP please!!!

    @JayBear Hi! Welcome to PinPics! Always great to hear from another pin trader/collector. We just added that pin into the database for you, so here it is. Hope you manage to get one soon!
  18. Oh, neat! That's a great lookin' bag! And what a great idea to keep your Hidden Mickey pins in there all together. That bag is actually another one included in the database, so you can mark it in yours OWNS list, if you want to!
  19. Last week
  20. PP15969 DIS - Magical Musical Moments - Pin Bag I scored this bag online about 3 years ago. I use it to hold my collection of Hidden Mickey pins.
  21. With all the website work lately, I've had the opportunity to notice some old listings that I probably wouldn't have found while just adding pins to our wants list. One of the interesting things was the discovery that PinPics used to list pin bags on the database. That was back when there weren't very many options outside of Park souvenirs, so it was pretty neat to see some of them. It gave me the idea spotlight some fun Disney bags here, and feel free to respond with your favorite pin bags! Of course, there were two sizes of the official 2000 pin bags. The little one is in the database, and you can check it out here: But there was a bigger one that's something like 12x9" and has three two-sided pages and holds a decent amount of pins. This isn't in the database, but I have to show it off. (If anyone has one of these they're willing to part with, please let me know. I'd love to keep some of my older pins in one.) If you enjoyed the 100 Years of Dreams pin series, there was a bag sold at The Disney Store to go with those pins. It's quite decorated, too! When the time came for the first major WDW pin event at EPCOT in 2001, you could get a designed pin bag embroidered with the logo: By the next year's pin event, things were getting spiffy! The bag was an LE 1,000 and included a wallet area for IDs and/or credit cards. And we definitely have to mention that they've just released a new little pin bag for the 25 Years of Disney Pins celebration, and it's very in keeping with these original beauties! It's a small bag that features inside fabric designs to match the celebration lanyard. Super cool. Plus, it was added to DisneyStore.com today, so if you're not able to pick this up at the Parks, you can still add this to your collection! https://www.disneystore.com/mickey-mouse-pin-trading-crossbody-bag-disney-parks-small-438058566443.html If anyone has a pin bag that they really love or a fun pin bag story, please share below. Sis and I only just started using pin books in the last year, so we don't have a lot of experience with them!
  22. sithathoriunet

    HELP please!!!

    That's a very cute pin, best of luck!
  23. tbobok

    Awesome trip!

    Yes, I did a search but didn’t find it but then got a message from admin saying it was already there. I’m still getting used to using the site. Thanks for the reply.
  24. Dragon57


    @Angelie is it possible for you to take a closer picture of the back of the pin. It would be very helpful. Thanks.
  25. Dragon57

    HELP please!!!

    @JayBear I don't believe this pin is currently on the site.
  26. Angelie


    Help! I dont know if its real…
  27. Jacks Girl

    Florida Ranch Life

    I'm so sorry to hear about Breezy. You are correct. Ranch life is not all sunshine and roses.
  28. Jacks Girl

    Florida Ranch Life

    I remember the little chicks from my days growing up on a ranch. They really are so darn cute!
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