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Events happening today

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    February 28, 2025 12:00 AM      04:00 AM

    Come and Join Molly from PinPics for SOME FUN!
    Molly will be showing off some the new features from the PinPics makeover and Answering Questions Live! If you've got questions about pin trading or PinPics, then feel free to come and ask!

    ALSO - Meet new Pin Pals and Potential Trading Partners!
    After the meeting (which usually ends around 8:15pm), The Twins host an "After Party" for casual extended discussion. This always lasts an hour or more, and you're welcome to pop in for as long as you'd like to stay.
    You need to register for the event using this link:

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  2. 19

    February 28, 2025 07:00 PM

    This event began 02/09/24 and repeats every week on Friday forever

    Join us every Fryday for new merch, pins, and all things mystery unboxings.  
    We live stream from the FryGuy Pins App and Instagram so you can always make sure to catch our shows.  
    Download our app, FryGuy Pins today!

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  3. 22

    February 28, 2025 10:00 PM      March 01, 2025 01:00 AM

    This event begins 02/28/25 and repeats every month forever

    We are a group of people who enjoy trading Disney pins and meeting new friends. The group has been meeting at the mall for over 20 years. We meet at the Paramus Park Mall in the food court. The group includes all ages from kids to retired people. Some have a lanyard with pins others have a book full of pins and yet others have 6 or 7 books full of pins. There are generally anywhere from 5-10 traders there each month.   We would love to welcome you into our group and trade pins or just talk about trading with interested people. 
    We meet at the mall every fourth Friday of the month, from 5-8 (mall closing).  We are located in the food court next to the elevators.   It is free to attend, but we do ask that you purchase some food and/or drinks from the vendors in the food court.   We are taking up space there and by patronizing the stores in the mall we help support the place that allows us to meet.   Feel free to bring family and friends and let them go shopping!  =O)   This is a pin TRADING group.   We do not allow selling of any kind, it is prohibited in the mall anyway.  If you have questions, please feel free to email me, Steven, at PowerOOne@aol.com.   We also have a page on Meetup.com where you can view photos, join to get reminders of upcoming meets, check the RSVP section to get an idea of who will be attending the event.   It is free to join.  The link is:
    In the past we have done PinBBQ's at our home, pictures are on the meetup site.   We have not done one in a number of years due to our children playing sports and us having no time.  We are hoping to host a PinBBQ again during the summer of 2025.
    We hope to see you at some point.
    Steven and Collette Mather
    John and Felicia Brobson
    Group organizers

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