PinPics members may list pins for sale in this section.
1. All pins for sale or trade must be IN HAND. No confirmation of purchase posts. All sales posts MUST contain A.) Pictures of any pins (list with PP numbers is optional, but recommended as it is helpful for members), including clear pictures of the backs of any HM/CL pins. B.) Prices for each pin C.) Shipping price D.) Payment options.
2 Payments for Sales: Paypal payments as Goods/Services is the preferred method of payment and will protect all parties involved. PayPal Friends, Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, Facebook Pay is also acceptable ONLY if buyer is comfortable with that option and understands the risks. Buyers and sellers interact at their own risk with these forms of payments. If you have an issue with a trade or sale, please contact an admin. We will try and help mediate the situation. Admins/Mods are not responsible for any money or items lost but we will try to assist to resolve the issue. If things aren’t corrected, admins have the right to remove buying/selling privileges from anyone at any time.
3. Fantasy Pins: No presales. All fantasy pins must be in hand. If selling fantasy pins that are in hand, it must be clearly posted that they are fantasy and cannot be traded with cast members at the park. As with all sales, prices must be posted.
4. Disney pins and merchandise are the only items to be bought or sold in these boards. Disney fan made items such as ears, mugs ornaments hair bows, and others may be sold, but the seller must let members know they are not made by Disney. You guys are all so talented; lets support each other.
5. No live sales, auctions or grab bag sales/trades on these selling boards.
6. No buying, selling or trading scrappers/fakes.
7. When selling Hidden Mickey or Cast Lanyard pins: Back of the pin(s) must be clearly shown when posting.
8. There will be no opportunity drawings or lucky draw raffles allowed in the sales boards.
9. Prices, fees and shipping must be clearly posted. It is assumed PayPal fees are included in sales posts unless stated otherwise.
10. Shipping: Shipments should be sent within 72 hours of the agreed purchase or sale. If you cannot make the 72 hours mark you MUST communicate that upfront with the other person and have agreement on the shipping timeline. Shipments for sales in these boards must be shipped with bubble wrap and a bubble mailer or box. You are responsible for getting the pin to the person you sold to with the item in the condition it was shown to them. Tracking should be shared with the trader/purchaser for all trades and sales. Including international, typically a customs # is obtained. International packages must ship as package following USPS rules. No flat envelopes as then the pin wouldn’t be in a bubble mailer.
11. Non-payment or non-shipping for a sale transaction in these boards may result in permanent removal of buying/selling privileges on the PinPics forum.
12. Members can have all buying/selling privileges removed without warning for any reason the admin team determines to be necessary for the safety and peace of mind of our members and team. Thank you and keep it magical! - Administrators and Moderators Team Guidance: This is an online pin community to share our love of Disney and shiny metal. Be kind to one another. Make it an inclusive environment. Traders are at all levels in their Disney pin journey. We all started somewhere. One of the main goals of this forum is pin socializing. You will meet amazing people in this hobby, and we want to foster those relationships. ENJOY!!
13. Each member may only have one (1) active/open thread per board at a time. Please combine your sales into one thread, but as many replies as you would like to add.
- 65
- posts
- distradingpins4u
- By buzz2001,
- 8
- posts
- Pin bag for sale
- By DisneyCatMom,
- 5
- posts
- Fantasy Pin Fun from @disney_kriss and family
- By mollyanne,
- 1
- post
- General Sales Rules
- By PinPics Admin,