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HOW and WHEN to USE the REPORT Button

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1. 'HOW and WHEN to USE the REPORT Button' Contents:


Overview and description of what the Report Button actually does - Post #1

Insider look at what the Report button actually does - Post #1

How much does a Mod/Admin actually see in Reported Content? - Post #1

What kind of Thread/Topic content should be reported? - Post #2

How to Report a Topic/Thread Post - Post #2

What kind of PM content should be reported? - Post #3

How to Report a PM post - Post #3

Conclusion - Post #4





Ever used the "Report" feature? Ever wondered exactly what it's for and what it actually does? This feature is one of the most misunderstood but useful tools on the forum, so we're going to look at what it actually does and what it should be used for.


Afraid of "Big Brother" here? Not at all. Still nervous? Let's start with what the Report button is NOT. It does not automatically penalize the account of the member who hits the button or the member whose post is being reported. Let's say it again. The hitting of the 'Report' button does not put a 'strike' on your account or the other member's account. It does not put you on a "troublemaker" list with forum staff or mark you as a "town crier" or "tattletale". Stats are not kept on any member's use of the Report Button. If any member or staff member makes a derogatory comment about another member's use of the Report Button, it should be reported immediately, and an Admin will deal with it. Since there are so many good and useful reasons for reporting content, the focus of this great feature should not be one of negativity.


It's just a versatile tool that alerts the powers-that-be to the fact that something needs attention. Since Moderators and Administrators can't be everywhere at once, it's oftentimes the only way that they know there's a problem somewhere on the forum. Really nothing more than hitting the help button in the Lowe's plumbing department. (Although, we hope you get faster and better service than that usually gets you. "Help is needed on the Forum. Help is needed on the Forum.")


Now, let's take a look at what it does do and how to find it.






When you hit that 'Report' button on anything (either Post or PM), the system sends a message to the Moderator Dashboard (and only to that Dashboard). It's immediately viewable by every Mod/Admin when they're on the forum. Just like when any member gets a PM or content notification, the Reported Content icon that Mods/Admins have next to their Avatar/Profile buttons show a bubble alert. No one outside of the Mod/Admin team will even know the button's been pushed. It's all done in a very private manner.




This great feature enables every Mod and Admin to access the Reported Content and step in to address the issue. This means you don't have to wait until a certain person signs in to check PMs or -- even worse -- until a Mod/Admin happens to stumble on a posted issue in a Thread/Topic. Even if every Mod can't handle the issue, they should be able to help out until the right staff member arrives.


When a Mod/Admin clicks on that bubble alert, this is what they see. Don't worry. Remember what I said earlier. No one outside of the Mod/Admin staff will ever see this. We're including this for informational purposes only. (Explanations appear below the image.)




1) Shows the post that was reported.

2) Shows original poster of the reported post.

3) Shows who reported the content and displays their message about why they reported the content.


In this view, Mods/Admins are able to view the Reported Content as well as the message left by the reporter explaining their reason for hitting the button.




When a Topic/Thread post is reported, a Mod/Admin clicks a link that takes them to the Original Post on that Topic/Thread. They are able to view the entire discussion, having been alerted as to which post number has been reported. Again, don't worry, because the reported post is NOT flagged for public viewing. Only a Mod/Admin knows what's happening!


As for PM reported content, a Mod/Admin only gets to view the reported PM post -- not all posts in the PM.


Most reported issues can be handled by Mods/Admins at large and don't require the intervention of a particular person. The "Report" button is a great feature of our forum software, allowing members to get help faster. Using the 'Report' button is a big help in keeping PinPics nice and clean!


(Next Up: How to report a Topic/Thread post . . . )




There are many good reasons for using the 'Report' button. Let's begin with the ones you're already familiar with. Major breach of rules. Sale or discussion of right-of-ownership related to MOH. Posting of rude and/or condescending comments. Personal attack of one member on another, including but not limited to evisceration, laceration, incineration . . . (Oops, sorry. We're not discussing instant death by dragons here, are we?) How about blatant infraction of the forum rules? Foul language/profanity/swearing -- call it what you will, it's against the rules (by word, image and emoji). Then there's name calling, pornography, hijacking of a thread, spam, discussion of item in Sale Board threads, spotting of previously-banned member sneaking back in through a different account name, etc. Instead of replying or ignoring this behavior, you can help to keep our forum a positive experience for every member -- just push the REPORT button!


On the other hand, this helpful tool is useful for minor issues that need a staff member's attention. REPORT your own behavior! Let's say you started a thread and inserted the wrong images (or the images didn't upload correctly) and you need them deleted. Just hit that Report button, and the next available Mod/Admin can fix it in a jif! Maybe you made an informative error in a post (e.g., incorrect subtitle or identification). Feel free to use the Report button, and someone will fix it as soon as possible. Remember, it's best to use the Report button when you need help, because all Mods and Admins can see that there's a problem as soon as they check in to their accounts. It's a lot faster with that many eyes watching for problems than waiting on one person to read their PMs!



Here are some examples of things that the Report button can/should be used for:


- Inflammatory/Condescending/Rude/Attacking comment by one member to another.

- Profanity/Swearing in a post (either word, image, or emoji).

- Incorrect images posted or images didn't upload correctly.

- Misidentification of an item/person.

- Request to remove a double post (either a double-posted thread/topic or post/reply).

- To remove an erroneous thread.

- Thread posted in wrong board (yours or another member's).

- Hijacking of topic/thread.

- Discussion of current political topics of any nature.


Use of the 'Report' button is certainly not limited to this list. These are just examples of common issues that require the use of the Report button.






It's simple and only takes a few steps to use this helpful tool! 


First, locate the Topic/Thread post that you wish to report. In the top right corner of the post, you'll see three little dots (1). Click those dots, and a drop-down menu appears. Click the Report option (2) from that menu:




When you hit Report, a window appears with space to type a message to the Mods/Admins. This is where you explain why you are reporting the post. This is also where you can add any information that you'd like to provide to the staff members so that they can assist you easily and correctly. If you simply need a title or line in the thread edited, please make sure and include the existing typed sentence and type exactly what you would like it replaced with. This greatly helps the Mod/Admin who's working on the Reported Content. There's plenty of room to provide information in this Additional Comments section. It's one time you're allowed to be wordy!




When you're done typing (and adding photos/files, if needed), just click the Submit Report button. A bubble will then appear on your screen, thanking you for the report, which disappears after a few seconds. That's it! There's nothing else you need to do at this point. If your report is one of the few that requires a response, you'll receive a PM from a staff member. Otherwise, we'll do our best to get the problem(s) fixed as soon as possible, and you can continue to enjoy your time spent on PinPics!


(Next Up: How to Report a PM post . . . )





Here are some examples of things that the Report button can/should be used for:


- Inflammatory/Condescending/Rude/Attacking comment(s).

- Profanity/Swearing (either word, image, or emoji).

- Pornographic images.

- Unsolicited sales or spam.


Use of the 'Report' button is certainly not limited to this list. These are just examples of common issues that require the use of the Report button. Please keep in mind that the Report Button should never be used in a non-serious manner (i.e. as a 'joke', to make a point, or anything else).






When you use the Report button to report a post in a PM, only the single reported post is sent to the Mod Dashboard -- not the entire PM itself! When a Mod/Admin clicks on the Report alert, this is what they see (see image below). Remember what I said earlier. Don't worry! No one outside of the Mod/Admin staff will ever see this. Also, that's my Sis helping out again . . .  and she's not reporting the Tech Admin! (Explanations appear below the image.)




1) Shows the PM post that was reported.

2) Shows original poster of the reported post.

3) Shows who reported the PM content and displays their message about why they reported the content.


In this view, Mods/Admins are able to view the reported content as well as the message left by the reporter explaining their reason for hitting the Report button. No Mod/Admin can access an entire PM. They can only see the Reported post and any message that the member reporting the post chooses to type in the message area. If you want to share a whole PM with a Mod/Admin, you will either have to include them in the PM (where they would become a third party involved in the PM) or send screengrabs of the entire PM itself. Again, a Mod/Admin is not granted access to your Message Inbox when you report a PM post or have had one of your posts reported. They can only see the reported post itself. Got it?!





It's simple and only takes a few steps to use this helpful tool! 


First, locate the PM post that you wish to report. In the top right corner of the post, you'll see three little dots (1). Click those dots, and a drop-down menu appears. Click the Report option (2) from that menu:




When you hit Report, a window appears with space to type a message to the Mods/Admins. This is where you explain why you are reporting the post. This is also where you can add any information that you'd like to provide to the staff members so that they can assist you easily and correctly. If you simply need a title or line in the thread edited, please make sure and include the existing typed sentence and type exactly what you would like it replaced with. This greatly helps the Mod/Admin who's working on the Reported Content. There's plenty of room to provide information in this Additional Comments section. It's one time you're allowed to be wordy!




When you're done typing (and adding photos/files, if needed), just click the Submit Report button. A bubble will then appear on your screen, thanking you for the report, which disappears after a few seconds. That's it! There's nothing else you need to do at this point. If your report is one of the few that requires a response, you'll receive a PM from a staff member. Otherwise, we'll do our best to get the problem(s) fixed as soon as possible, and you can continue to enjoy your time spent on PinPics!



(Next Up: Conclusion )




Now that we've examined how and when to use the Report button, you're ready to go! It'll be much easier to alert the Mods/Admins about issues, just by using this great tool included in our forum software. Small or large, please don't hesitate to let staff members know that something needs attention. If you see an argument starting, let us know so that we can step in before it becomes inflammatory. To reiterate . . . hitting the Report button does not put a negative strike on the account of the original poster of the reported content or the member reporting it. The only thing that affects a member's standing is the member's own behaviour! This heretofore underappreciated feature will help us all keep PinPics a place where we want to spend what little free time we have. Let's all learn to use it wisely. And, for heaven's sake, let's not be afraid of it!

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