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How to tell WDW 50th Attraction Crest fakes?

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Hoping someone out there might be able to help with this one! Just traded for a WDW 50th Anniversary Attraction Crest pin, and have a feeling it might have an issue. I know these have been faked, but  the only thing we remember about the fakes is that the cards didn't have a upc sticker on the back. Well, this one arrived and it doesn't.


This is the pin/series:



Anyone know if authentics ever didn't have a upc sticker on the back of the card? Any thoughts or help is appreciated!


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Had not seen those before. Now I have a new WANT.

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Posted (edited)

@Dragon57 Now that I know you a bit better…I’m amused!  @TheTwins weren’t these crests part of @mollyanne’s demonstration about fake vs. authentic?  I was driving so I could be totally off it just seems like I remember someone recently discussing the topic….maybe.

Edited by Hart
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Yes they were and I am going to get with some folks on what the back of the backer cards look like for the real pins. If anyone reading this got them at the park - I did but we put them in our sale 2 years ago - please email me pics to molly@pinpics.com. Thank you! 


Also, something else to add to the pot . .. did the authentics purchased at WDW come in the plastic wrappers? These type of LE pins are not currently sold with the plastic wrapper bag on them, but maybe back then they were. However, it would be interesting! The one we got from someone who got it at WDW didn't have a cellophane bag, but the new one we got does. Again, really appreciate any info!


The funny thing is that the authentic one definitely has more of a yellow-tinted gold and that the fake one has a better "pinkier" gold. Very interesting!


Also, the printing on the cards looks totally different shades and details, with the fake has a whiter card with more fuzzy lines.


Another thing it might appear is that on the pins themselves, the fakes have more blue enamel in the words on the rim.

Another interesting point (and we'd have to see more real ones) is that the authentic one we have has silver-tone rivets on the back while the fake and newly traded ones have copper-tone rivets (but two different types of copper-tone rivets).
We also took pictures of the side, as the overhanging part of the "50" logo is "rounded" on the fake and "straight" on the authentic.
Here are pictures showing our authentic and fake (known): - Authentic is the Small World on the left and known Fake is Treehouse on the right:
July 25, 2024 (9).JPG
July 25, 2024 (10).JPG
July 25, 2024 (12).JPG
July 25, 2024 (13).JPG
July 25, 2024 (14).JPG
Now, here are pictures showing the our two with the one we just traded for (Tink):
Notice the card color difference. Also, of interest is that when taking the pin backs off, the fake card (and the traded one) have stained brown under the pin backs and the authentic card hasn't.
July 25, 2024 (15).JPG
July 25, 2024 (16).JPG
July 25, 2024 (17).JPG
July 25, 2024 (18).JPG
July 25, 2024 (19).JPG
July 25, 2024 (20).JPGJuly 25, 2024 (21).JPGJuly 25, 2024 (22).JPG
So, thoughts appreciated! Also, if anyone knows about the cellophane, please post! Much appreciated!
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WOW!!!! Thank you so much for adding this! Will definitely be in the book and would love for you two to also be Main Contributors!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know on that! 

This is one of my first examples! I am making the booklet larger like a magazine size so we can have lots of pics. 


The ones we bought at the park did not have cellophane wrapping. I bought them all - except the HM because it was already sold out - when they released for the 50th Celebration at WDW.


The twins asked me to post pics of my WDW 50th Attraction Mad Tea Party pin. I can not believe how close the real and the fake are. I wouldn't have known without holding mine and a fake one side by side. Mine has a sticker on the back. The fake was on the same card but no sticker. Here is mine. 







Thanks, @katinthehat28 - From your pics, you can see that your card is the bolder colors (more yellow background), has the price tag, and that the rivets on your pin are silver. Very interesting to see! Thanks for sharing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

How relevant is comparing pin post bases?  It was something I learned when I was authenticating the free D Daisy I sent to Dean.  I had no idea about it until then and when I was looking at your photos here I noticed the same more chunky? Thicker? bases on the fakes.  I know that pin backs can differ from factories, reproduction, wear on the molds or stamps over long periods of mass production etc.  So maybe it can be one of the things to narrow down a fake but not a deciding factor?  Because apparently perfectly legitimate pins are magnetic???  Was there a discussion about that somewhere because I’d like to know about it.  I don’t understand why they would make it so you couldn’t get in the park without setting off metal detectors and getting pulled aside for a search.

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