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You can't really celebrate 25 Years of Disney Pins without giving some kind of notice to pin lanyards. They've certainly changed quite a bit over the years. The original lanyards were thick black webbing that barely bends, and while it's durable and can hold some weighty pins . . . well, let's just say they're not really the most comfortable on a long, hot day in the park! But don't worry, it didn't take too long for lanyards to develop into a fashion piece of their own. :scoop:


Here's a picture of a Year 2000 lanyard that was available throughout WDW for $8.00. It's got a hefty velcro closure at the top of the lanyard that feels almost industrial strength. Sis and I recently got a matched pair of these and are actually looking forward to wearing them when we go trading sooner than later!


January 4, 2025 (41).JPG


January 4, 2025 (42).JPG


By 2003, the lanyards hadn't gotten much softer, but they had gotten a bit fancier. Here are two designs that are starting to look a bit more spiffy, and they feature a metal charm and plastic lanyard cards instead of the simple laminated one from the Millennium era.


January 4, 2025 (45).JPG


2003 Tink Lanyard.jpg


Big changes came in the following decade, and it was actually a reversible lanyard that got Sis and me into the pin trading hobby back in 2016. We were in World of Disney for the first time and saw the brand new, adorable Chip & Dale reversible lanyard on a rack. Boy, did we want that! But it was $14.99 for a lanyard! And what would we do with it? What did anyone do with a lanyard like that? Well, our cousin enlightened us about why pin traders wore them around Disney, and we went home to order a pair of lanyards and a little lot of pins on eBay. That's how we fell headlong into the pin-filled rabbit hole! Here is the culprit that started it all!


Dale Lanyard Side


Chip Lanyard Side


Did you know that you can trade lanyards right here on PinPics? There are a lot of lanyards listed on the site, and we're always adding more when we can get pictures of them. So, don't forget to add lanyards to your OWNS, WANTS and TRADES lists!



Do you have any special lanyards that you've saved or loved over the years? Any stories about a lanyard that you'd like to share?

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While we were down at Disney Springs, I was able to get the new 25 Years of Disney Pins lanyard! It's fabulous, and it's now in the database:



It's really cool, and I definitely recommend this. The design is different on the front and back of the lanyard and features a lot of cool pins from 2000 and up to the very recent release.


171266 (1).JPG 171266 (2).JPG


Figuring out what pins were featured on here was not the easiest thing, but it'd actually be neat to display the lanyard with all of the real pins shown!


Check out the pins that are shown (sometimes only just a little corner is visible) on the lanyard:

















It's a nice long lanyard and can hold a lot of pins! In fact, I liked it so well . . . that we came home with a "spare". :scoop:


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Here is a villians one that is my favorite that I have. The colors are so vibrant, not really showing through in the photo. I can't remember when I picked it up. Maybe 2016 or 2019?





Also some lanyard metals: Do they still have these? I feel like I didn't see them on my last trip.


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@roadrunner8310 I don't think we saw much in the way of Lanyard Dangles when we were at Pin Traders a couple weeks ago. And the new lanyards (if they come with a dangle) have rubbery plastic ones. Interesting, because I hadn't thought about it!

  • 2 weeks later...

When I first started trading, it bothered me that my lanyards had a hook at the bottom, but nothing attached to it, and I didn't know about lanyard medals/dangles yet. 

So my solution was a pocket watch, a key chain, and a coin purse (used to store spare pin backs) that I switch between lanyards!

As far as lanyards themselves go, I like the BuckleDown brand because they are so hefty.  But my favorite lanyard is a cheap silky one (found on Amazon I think) of Chip & Dale that is part of my Clarice Disney Bound.




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@sithathoriunet What great ideas for the dangles! I love the little Chip pouch for extra pin backs. That's a great idea! And the watch is brilliant! 


We only just heard of BuckleDown. Are any of the lanyards above from them?

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@TheTwins yes!  Both the Steamboat Willie and Polka Dot lanyards are from Buckle Down.  

So glad you liked my solutions to a lack of dangles!  And guess what, the opposite side of the coin purse has Dale!

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