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  • How and Why You Should Build Up Your Wants List on PinPics

    Building up your list of "Wants" in PinPics is a great way to start down the road of trading on PinPics! It helps you come up on "Trade Assist" results so that others can offer trades to you and so that you can offer trades to others! That way, they have options to offer you in exchange for something that you have to trade and visa-versa. How do you know what pins you would like to add to your collection or what pins might be missing from your almost complete collection? Here are some ideas:


    1- When you first log into PinPics, check out "What's New?" at the top of the page. All 133,000+ pins are listed there. By default, they are listed newest first on down until you reach pin #1 but you can choose oldest first if that works better for you. Scroll through looking at all the pins to see if there are any that catch your eye. If so, when you put your cursor over the picture, it will bring up information on how many people own the pin, how many want the pin and how many have the pin to trade. Right there, you can click on "Want" and the pin is added to your list of Wants. Each time you go into "What's New?" you only need to go until you start seeing pins that you have already looked at when you looked last. 
    2- Search by topic/character/keywords and go through page by page looking at the pins shown. If you find a pin you would like, hover over the picture and click on Want. For example, if you collect Dopey pins, put "Dopey" in the search box. Scroll through and see which ones you don't have and decide whether you would like to list it as a Want. If so, click on "Want" and the pin is added to your list of Wants. When you are done with all the Dopey pins, you could put in "Dwarf" and see what other pins might come up that you want to add, etc. 
    3- If you know of another member or would like to trade with another member in particular, search another person's pins in the database. In the search box, put the person's PinPics name and in the box next to it, change "Pins" to "Member". You will then need to choose that name from the list that shows up (although many times only the one name will show up). This will bring you to that person's dashboard. You can look at their Owns, Wants, Trades unless they have marked them private. When you find a pin you like, click on the pin number. On the page that opens, below the picture, you should see "Your Pins" with the option to click on Owns, Wants, Trades. You can click to indicate you Want the pin. Look through their Owns, Wants and Trades to get a complete idea of what pins they have added. This method is especially helpful if you are looking at someone who collects the same things you do.
    4- If you see a pin for sale or trade on another site, search for the pin in PinPics and when you find it, mark it as "Want". Maybe you didn't like the price they were asking or maybe someone else outbid you, or maybe you just want to try trading for it rather than buying it! Add the pin to your Wants and maybe you can get it in a trade.
    Having options in your "Wants" list is just as important as listing your traders! So, start checking that "Want" box when you find a pin that appeals to you! Happy Trading!

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