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PP10944    DLR GWP Pooh 100 Acres Woods Map Pin - Piglet

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This is the fourth in the "Pooh 100 Acres Woods" GWP series being released the first Sunday of April at the Disneyland Resort. It is Piglet sitting and looking very content.

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6 Linked Pins

  1. DLR GWP Pooh 100 Acres Woods Map Pin - Tigger
  2. DLR GWP Pooh 100 Acres Woods Map Pin - Rabbit
  3. DLR GWP Pooh 100 Acres Woods Map Pin - Eeyore
  4. DLR GWP Pooh 100 Acres Woods Map Pin - Kanga & Roo
  5. DLR GWP Pooh 100 Acres Woods Map Pin - Winnie The Pooh
  6. DLR 100 Acre Wood GWP Map without pins
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