Front Description
Sorcerer Mickey from Fantasia with his right hand pointing and holding his left hand out. He is wearing a red robe with a brown belt, shoes and blue sorcerer hat.
This pin is very well made and very defined. It is is stamped copyright "Disney" vertically on the back above the pin stem and a fat "L" on a 3/4 circle with "lucky" written below the pin stem.
It came on a Backing card that read "Disney Character Goods Pin Badge"
Along with the Tink pin, there is also a Sorcerer Mickey, Donald and Daisy pin, which were sold years ago from the same company, called Lucky Corporation. This company now releases many of M&P LE pins. Those pins like this Tink were not sold at TDL nor DSs in Japan, but shops like M&P or stationary shops and even at the airport. They sold for 380 ¥.
Back Description