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PP11510    UK DS - British Flag

Front Description

This pin is from a set of 3 pins from the DS in England. The set includes the British flag (the pin seen here), Mickey with his right hand in pocket and left hand up in air "hitchhiking" and with his legs are crossed at the ankles, and the third pin is of just Mickey's left hand with thumb up, looks like he is hitchhiking!


Set #1597, Mickey #3045, Mickey's Hand #11511, British Flag #11510.


This set was sold in the Disney stores in the London area in 2000 and packaged on a red velveteen backing in a blue box marked "The DS" "LONDON".

There is also a similar set for France, the only difference is the flag pin.

Back Description

Silver back, single post, ©Disney

5 Linked Pins

  1. London DS - 3 Pin Set (Mickey, Flag, Thumb)
  2. UK DS - Mickey - Thumbs Up
  3. DLP - DS Paris - Set of 3 Pins
  4. UK DS - Mickey Hand with Thumb Up
  5. DLP - DS Paris - French Flag
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