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PP117902    Alice Falling - Alice in Wonderland 65th Anniversary - Down the Rabbit Hole

Front Description

This is the first pin from Alice in Wonderland 65th Anniversary: Alice Down the Rabbit Hole Box Set. It is one of four pins. It depicts Alice as she first falls and the air catches her dress, slowing her fall. Each pin came suspended within the folding box by a piece of plastic. Due to problems with the plastic pieces tearing off from the box, Disney pulled the set before all the boxes were sold. It is unknown how many sets out of the 500 Edition size were sold.


Set #117163, Falling #117902, Upside Down #117903, in Chair #117904, w/Book #117905


Back Description

Gold back, 65th logo, Pin Trading logo 2016, ©Disney, MADE IN CHINA, FAC-000122-16100, LIMITED EDITION 500, single post 1 nub.

4 Linked Pins

  1. Alice in Wonderland 65th Anniversary: Down the Rabbit Hole Box Set
  2. Alice Upside-Down - Alice in Wonderland 65th Anniversary - Down the Rabbit Hole
  3. Alice in Chair - Alice in Wonderland 65th Anniversary - Down the Rabbit Hole
  4. Alice Reading a Book - Alice in Wonderland 65th Anniversary - Down the Rabbit Hole
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