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PP11903    Star Wars Weekend 2002 - Obi Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett (Light Up)

Front Description

This light blue color oval pin was released at Walt Disney World Resorts to commemorate the Star Wars Weekend. It features Obi Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett fighting and it lights up.


Jango Fett, right/center, is in the pin's foreground. He runs toward Obi Wan, with his back toward us, with two light sabers glowing yellow and with a gun in his left hand, firing toward Obi Wan. Left and in the background is Obi Wan; he has his light saber in his left hand, over his head, fighting in a defensive position.


The pin measures 2 3/8" (61 mm) tall and 2 1/4" (56 mm) wide. The back has a battery pack on itand the reverse states, "(c) Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. Made Exlusively for the Walt Disney World Resort (R), Limited Edition 3500, China."

Back Description


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