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PP12264    WDW - Donald Duck - Cast Holiday Celebration 2000

Front Description

This is the Donald pin from the set (#3194). Donald, facing right, holds a brush with red paint on it in his right hand, and in the set would be holding a banner with his left.


The pin measures 1 1/16" (2.7 cm) wide and 7/8" (2.2 cm) tall.

Back Description

The back reads, "© Disney Made in China."

5 Linked Pins

  1. WDW - 2000 Cast Holiday Celebration Set
  2. WDW - Dumbo Holding Paint Brush - Cast
  3. WDW - Goofy - Cast Holiday Celebration 2000
  4. WDW - Mickey Mouse and Pluto - Cast Holiday Celebration 2000 - Denim Overalls - Flag
  5. WDW - Timothy Mouse with Brush - Holiday Set - Cast
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