Front Description
The sign is Leo, July 23 to August 24, and features Lambert the Sheepish Lion from the animated short of the same name. The background is dark blue with a gold star, gold starburst and gold crescent moon. Text "LEO" is gold on a black background.
Alternate SKU 400109729763
Series: Minnie/Virgo, Ram/Aries, Mickey/Sagittarius, Jafar/Scorpio, Jiminy/Libra, Lambert/Leo, Sebastian/Cancer, Chip & Dale/Gemini, Ferdinand/Taurus, Flounder/Pisces, Ariel/Aquarius, Djali/Capricorn
#12310, #12305, #12313, #12312, #12311, #12309, #12308, #12307, #12306, #12304, #12303, #12302
Back Description
Bright gold sand blasted medal, 2002 pin trading logo ©DISNEY MADE IN CHINA - 1 post, 1 barb