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PP12612    JDS - Pooh, Piglet & Rabbit Set- Usakko

Front Description

This pin came out in Japan DSs in December, part of a series of 5 pins (please see list below).

This is a set of three mini pins. One shows Pooh, looking up, and holding a rabbit/bunny/bunnies (Usakko in Japanese) in his hands.


The second pin shows Piglet with the rabbit leaning up against his back.


The third pin shows the rabbit with pink Japanese writing on his back.


The pins in this series are: #9065, #12141, #12610, #12611, #12612. #56835

Back Description


5 Linked Pins

  1. JDS - Pooh & Piglet - Usakko - Shoji Screen Sliding Doors
  2. JDS - Pooh - Usakko - Rabbit and Pooh in the Moon
  3. JDS - Pooh & Piglet - Usakko - Sitting with a Rabbit
  4. JDS - Pooh & Rabbit - Usakko - Tall Scroll
  5. JDS - Pooh - Usakko - Pooh Holding a Rabbit
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