Front Description
This 4 pin set features characters from Star Wars: SOLO. The pins are: Chewbacca with the words, Chewie Is My Copilot; Han Solo with the words, I've Got a Good Feeling About This; the Millennium Falcon with the words, Best In The Galaxy; and a sign type of pin with the words, Just Made the Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs.
Set: Booster Pack #127755, Millennium Falcon #141895, Chewie #141896, Han Solo #158197, Kessel Run #158196
Back Description
The backs of the pins all have one pin head with two nubs on either side. Due to the size and shape of each pin the boxes are in different locations, but appear from left to right and then down in the same order: OPT logo, Stars Wars™, ©Disney, ©&™ Lucusfilm, Ltd., Made in China. The lower box is the FAC number.