Front Description
The pin shows the scenic image of a postcard. The scene includes Mulan riding her horse Khan. There are gold fireworks across the top of the pin and a scene from the Imperial Palace in China behind Mulan in red and blue. The postcard reads "Greetings from Imperial City" in a white text.
Merida #129631, Baymax #123512, Lilo/Stitch #123513, Carl/Russel #123514, Judy Hopps #123515, OMalley/Duchess #128683, Aladdin/Jasmine #128685, Mulan #128687, Moana #128691, Peter Pan/Tinker Bell #128696, Oliver #129099, Jessica Rabbit #123470, Jack/Sally #150539, Luca #150609, Mirabel #150608, Barley/Ian #153359, Olympus #154473, Tiana #156247, Raya #161427, Frankenweenie #, Soul #
Back Description
The back is gold with ice cream cone imprints, says "Disney Studio Store Hollywood Limited Edition 300 Disney China" and the FAC #.