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PP12918    Disney Auctions - Jumbaa and Pleakley as Tourists - Lilo and Stitch

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This limited edition pin released through Disney Auctions is from the Lilo and Stitch pin series.


Posing as tourists in order to recapture Stitch and return him to the planet Turo, evil genius Jumbaa Jookiba and cultural contamination specialist Pleakley.


25 pins were sold individually, while the remaining 75 were sold in complete sets of five.





Set #12920, Stitch #12919, Jumba/Pleakley #12918, Capt Gantu #12917, Cobra #12916, Pleakley #12915

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8 Linked Pins

  1. Disney Auctions - Pleakley - Lilo and Stitch
  2. Disney Auctions - Cobra Bubbles - Lilo and Stitch
  3. Disney Auctions - Captain Gantu - Lilo and Stitch
  4. Disney Auctions - Stitch - Tourist
  5. Disney Auctions - Lilo and Stitch - Set
  6. Disney Auctions - Stitch Tourist Lanyard and Coconut Drink Pin
  7. DS - Stitch - Small Tourist - Coconut Drink
  8. Stitch - Aloha
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