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PP13279    2001 ASTA Convention -- Minnie Spain Stamp Pin

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This pin was created for the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) 2001 Convention which was to be held in Seville Spain, but was canceled due to the events of September 11. The convention was later rescheduled and held in November 2001 in New York City.


The pin is made to look like a postage stamp. It shows Minnie dressed as a Spanish dancer wearing a bright red dress with white polka dots and yellow and white ruffles, matching yellow pearl necklace and hat, and a rose in her hair. Minnie is dancing with castanets in her hand.


"ASTA 2001 Spain" is written in the upper left corner. The bottom reads, "Walt Disney Parks & Resorts." The pin came on a very colorful card resembling a postcard, with the same picture (but in full) of Minnie dancing on a cobblestone street. The events surrounding last year's convention makes this a special pin.


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