Front Description
Ursula from the Little Mermaid is represented on this cool soda can.
The top is a deep sunset red and the bottom is the ocean waves. At the top on the lefty is a lavender banner reaching 2/3 across the can that reads SEA WITCH SPECIAL. Dark bluegreen bubbles rise up on both sides of the can and it then says;
sea FOAM with a tan nautilus shell (like the one that holds Ariel's voice) under that is written;
2 of Ursula's tentacles come up out of the sea.
Pack #134558, Dwarfs #134557, Judy Hoops #134556, Lion King #134555, Moana #134554, Mulan #134553, Monsters Inc #134552, Big Hero 6 #134551, Bug's Life #134550, Little Mermaid #134549, Sleeping Beauty #134548, Orange Bird #134547, Goofy #134546, Gaston #134545, Mickey #134037, Wreck It Ralph #133437
Back Description
On the back of the pin it has the Mickey head pattern. It has the pin trading logo with the date of 2019. Below that is Disney made in China and below that the FAC#.