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PP136009    DSSH - Alley Cats - Aristocats - Organ - D23

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The Jazz playing Alley Cats from the Film the Aristocats are featured on this Organ series of pins.

The charcoal colored Scat Cat is laid back and playing his trumpet on the top left with Hit Cat playing his acoustic guitar is on the top right. Shun Gon the Chinese cat is on the red covered stool playing the organ while Peppo plays the accordion and Billy Boss, who is dark gray, stands on the right playing double bass. Hit, Shun Gon and Peppo are beige in color.



Beast #136018, Alice #136017, Hook #136016, Ursula #136015, Roger/Pongo #136014, King Candy/Sour Bill #136013, Ariel #136012, Doc/Happy #136011, Marie/Berlioz/Toulouse #13010, Alley Cats #136009, Donald/Daisy #136008, Evil Queen/Diablo #136010

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12 Linked Pins

  1. DL Walt Name Pin
  2. DSSH - Evil Queen and Diablo - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Organ - D23
  3. DSSH - Donald and Daisy - Organ - D23
  4. DSSH - Marie, Toulouse and Berlioz - Aristocats - Organ - D23
  5. DSSH - Doc and Happy - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Organ - D23
  6. DSSH - Ariel - Little Mermaid - Organ - D23
  7. DSSH - King Candy and Sour Bill - Wreck It Ralph - Organ - D23
  8. DSSH - Roger and Pongo - 101 Dalmatians - Organ - D23
  9. DSSH - Ursula - Little Mermaid - Organ - D23
  10. DSSH - Hook - Peter Pan - Organ - D23
  11. DSSH - Alice - Alice in Wonderland - Organ - D23
  12. DSSH - Beast - Beauty and the Beast - Organ - D23
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