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PP13678    DS - Belle - Beauty and the Beast - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2

Front Description

This is a tiny pin (about 1/2 inch) of Belle's head that came on a mini lanyard with 3 other pins for the DS's Sweethearts dolls.


Set, Lanyard, Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Belle


#13670, #43883, #13675, #13676, #13677, #13678

Back Description

The back is gold sand blasted metal, flat metal box, text "©Disney Made In China"

9 Linked Pins

  1. DS - Cinderella, Snow White, Belle and Ariel - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2 - Set
  2. DS - Mickey - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2
  3. DS - Winnie the Pooh - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2
  4. DS - Snow White - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2
  5. DS - Cinderella - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2
  6. DS - Ariel - Little Mermaid - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 1 and 2
  7. DS - Minnie - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2
  8. DS - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard - Series 2 - Set
  9. DS - Sweethearts Dolls - Character - Lanyard
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