Front Description
Shaped like the Millennium Falcon in silver, this pin features classic Rebellion Han Solo holding a blaster facing toward the right the background is turquoise. The cover swivels up to reveal the Resistance logo in orange and "BSO” written in Aurebesh, the language spoken on Batuu.
Set: Rey #153145, R2D2/C3PO #139303, Han #137290, Leia #135391, Lando Calrissian #142999, Poe Dameron #143073, Luke #143087, Finn #143088, BB8 #143089, #Chewie 159324, Rose #159323
Back Description
Silver back with Mickey head waffle pattern (edge can be a bit rough). Single pin post (upper center). Single rivet seen from slide flap. Five boxes - 1. LIMITED EDITION OF 1500 2. Official Pin Trading logo 3. Star Wars Galaxy's Edge logo 4. ©DISNEY, ©&™ Lucasfilm Ltd., MADE IN CHINA 5. FAC number