Front Description
This pin comes from the SDR Summer Seaside Mystery box. It shows Donald's face, looking to the left with an angry expression. He has circular red sunglasses on top of his head. Behind him is a melting ice cream cone, with blue ice cream.
Set: Mickey/Pineapple #135650, Minnie/Watermelon, Daisy/Ice Cream #135652, Donald/Ice Cream #137462, Duffy/Pineapple #135651, ShellieMay/Lemon #137461, StellaLou/Pink Lemonade #157978, Gelatoni/Leaves #157979, Unopened Box #135649
Box #135649, Mickey #135650, Duffy #135651, Daisy #135652, Shellie May #137461, Donald #137462, Minnie #137464
Back Description
Gold back with Mickey head waffle pattern. Single pin post with no nubs. Three boxes - 1. ©Disney Made in China 2. Official pin trading logo 3. Shanghai Disneyland logo