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PP13864    NFFC Be Our Guest Dinner 2002

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This pin was given to all attendees of the NFFC's first Be Our Guest dinner in July, 2002, at Downtown Disney at the Disneyland Resort. The event was held in conjunction with the NFFC's (National Fantasy Fan Club) annual convention, though it was a separately ticketed event. The dinner was a chance for members to have dinner with Disney legends. There were approximately 10 people each at a table witha legend, who shared stories, answered questions, and so on. The legends included Imagineers Tony Baxter, Sam McKim and Bob Gurr; artist Terri Hardin; and others. (The legends are among those hwo have these pins.) The pin is Mickey's ears as if made of three plates. One plate has a coffee cup on it, one has a slice of bread, and the dinner plate has afork and spoon. The pin reads "NFFC Be Our Guest Dinner 2002" on the plate. The edition size is marked on the back.

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