Front Description
One of a three-pin series released by Kodak as a giveaway during the Walt Disney World 20th Anniversary. One trader reports it being available at Eckerd Drug Store with the purchase of certain Kodak products. Came sealed in a bubble type package.
A square pin with a yellow background. In the center is Roger Rabbit in a red jester's hat and 4 skyrockets fireworks. Both sides have streamers and confetti. The bottom reads, "20 Magical Years Walt Disney World." Part of the set cataloged with pin #1522 by Kodak and Eckerd Drugs and given out for WDW 20th Anniversary.
Roger is from the film, "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
The pin measures 1 1/8" (30 mm) wide by 1 1/4" (32 mm) tall.
Set: Roger Rabbit #1392, Surprise #1331, Mickey #158099
Back Description
Back of pin: "© Disney/Amblin."