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PP141742    DIS - Tiana - Princess and the Frog - 10th Anniversary

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Celebrating by having a Set of Tiana in her different event dresses. The Mardi Gras Party Blue Gown, her yellow Waitress uniform, her Wedding attire as a Frog, her green Lily Pad Wedding Gown when she turned human again and her White Gown and Fur Coat as owner of Tiana's Place.


#141742, #164196, #164197, #164193, #164194, #164195

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5 Linked Pins

  1. DIS - Tiana - White Dress and Fur - Princess and the Frog - 10th Anniversary
  2. DIS - Tiana - Frog Wedding - Princess and the Frog - 10th Anniversary
  3. DIS - Tiana - Waitress - Princess and the Frog - 10th Anniversary
  4. DIS - Tiana - Mardi Gras Blue Dress - Princess and the Frog - 10th Anniversary
  5. DIS - Tiana - Green Gown - Wedding Dress - Princess and the Frog - 10th Anniversary
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