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PP141831    Boy Band - Set

Front Description

This is a four pins set featuring Aladdin, Hercules, Gaston and the Beast. The pins come on a yellow and purple backing card, with white and purple hearts and reading "Aladdin! Gaston! Beast! Hercules!" "Disney Boy Band", "Weekly" and "Exclusive pics!"


Set, Aladdin, Beast, Gaston, Hercules


#141831, #153242, #153930, #154253, #163640

Back Description


6 Linked Pins

  1. Beauty and the Beast Boxed Pin Set (Gaston)
  2. Disney Movie Club - Bonus - Aladdin
  3. Aladdin - Boy Band
  4. Beast - Boy Band
  5. Gaston - Boy Band - Beauty and the Beast
  6. Hercules - Boy Band
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