Front Description
Part of the 2020 monthly release. Vanellope is from the movie, Wreck It Ralph. She has her arms spread open and is showcased in the middle of the circle. She has a free-d purple sprinkle, an orange sprinkle and a gumdrop. Text "So Sweet!" The sticker has a bubble gum scent. Pin 8 of 12.
Because of the nationwide Covid-19 shutdown schedule to begin in March 2020, many Disney pins were released later than planned and at different sites. This "Disney'Scents" set was scheduled for monthly Disneyland-only release, but the shutdown caused the third through the ninth pins (March-September) to be released only on on dates often different than originally scheduled. The first two sets were released only at DL in January and February, followed by March-September online only, ending the year with the last three monthly releases only at DL again during November and December.
Set: Abominable Snowman #141836, HeiHei #140045, Fozzie #140046, Vanellope #142614, Jack-Jack #139700, Tiki #139701, Stitch #142261, Orange Bird #139703, Pooh #139704, Peach #140786, Finnick #152808, Lotso #140049
Back Description
Silver mickey head waffle pattern. Single post with two nubs.Official pin trading logo ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA LIMITED EDITION OF 2000, embossed FAC