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PP14351    DC - Cruella - Villain Boxed Set - 101 Dalmatians

Front Description

This villain pin was released through the Disney Catalog or Disneystore.com and features Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians. A total of 7 pins were released. She was sold as a set that included Captain Hook from Peter Pan. Each figure is standing behind a sketch of a famous scene in their movie. Behind the sketch Cruella holds her cigarette and a sheet of paper. She's laughing. Her hair is in pink and white curlers. These pins come in a box with green and black imagery, eyes on the side, and a bony hand with long fingernails on the bottom. The back of the box reads, "Villains have played an integral role in each Disney animated feature from the first shriek of fright elicited by the sinister queen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Whether supernatural or sarcastic, menacing or mercenary, the wicked ways of Disney's dastards supply many of their movies' most memorable moments-often overshadowing the heroes and heroines! Legendary Disney animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston explain the phenomenon simply: "The villain acts, and the hero reacts. That becomes the story." Without the compelling challenges of villainy, there would be nothing for goodness to triumph over...no joy in a happy ending. So, here's to the Disney Villain-a most necessary evil."


Pin measures: 1-1/4 x 1-1/2 inches.


Set #14352, Chernabog #14350, Cruella #14351, Lucifer #14640, Hook #14642, Maleficent #14589, Madam Mim #14590

Back Description

Silver waffle weave pattern. 1 post (center). 1 barb. No nubs. ©Disney. Limited Edition 5000. China.

8 Linked Pins

  1. Disney Catalog - Villain Boxed Pins (Madam Mim & Maleficent)
  2. Disney Catalog - Villain Boxed Pins (Chernabog)
  3. Disney Catalog - Villain Boxed Pins (w/Free Lucifer)
  4. Disney Catalog - Villain Boxed Pins (Maleficent)
  5. Disney Catalog - Villain Boxed Pins (Madam Mim)
  6. Disney Catalog - Villains Boxed Set - (Lucifer)
  7. Disney Catalog - Villains Boxed Set - (Queen of Hearts)
  8. Disney Catalog - Villain Boxed Pins (Captain Hook)
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