Front Description
This pin features Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. It's a banner style. She is in black and red robes, holding a staff with Diablo perched on it. She is surround by light green and mint colored flames. The background is a marbled blue and lighter blue. There's a gold frame with a gold "bar" at the top and a mustard colored, braided string on each side. The back is gold with imprinted mickey heads with the pin trading logo.
Queen of Hearts #143238, Honest John/Gideon #145055, Frollo #146350, Jafar #145610, Maleficent #144347, Hades #142077, Scar #148608, Gaston #148583, Cruella #152358, Prince John #156711
Back Description
It says "Disney Made In China LIMITED EDITION 3000" and the FAC #.