Front Description
This pin is approx. 1 ½” tall and 1 ½” wide. It has a yellow background and there are green bushes on either side of Stitch. Stitch is center and appears to be squinting at a silver metallic Mickey icon shaped pin in his left hand. He is wearing a lanyard which looks like it is blowing in the wind. There is a silver metallic banner across the bottom of the pin which reads “My First Pin” in dark blue lettering.
Series: Mickey #149940, Stitch #145779, Minnie #149939, Ear Hat #149937
Back Description
The back of the pin has the silver waffle mickey design. The Pin Trading Logo center under the pin post with the year 2021. © Disney, China/Chine, is under the pin trading logo. The FAC is stamped at the very bottom of the pin. It has 2 nubs one on either side of the pin post.