Front Description
This pin shows a smiling Tinker Bell from the waist up with her arms folded across her chest, left arm over right. There are large green leaves or bushes on either side. The colors are boId and bright. The pin
is approx. 1 ½” tall and 1 ½” wide. The pins in this starter set are Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Capt. Hook and Smee. Each pin has the large leaves and bushes on either side of the character.
The pins in this starter set #145864, Peter Pan #145780, Tinker Bell #145865, Capt. Hook #149585, Smee #149580.
Back Description
The back of the pin has the silver waffle mickey design. The Pin Trading Logo is below and slightly left of the pin post with the year 2021. © Disney, China/Chine is below the logo. The FAC # 000122 - 21160 is stamped at the very bottom of the pin. It has 2 nubs one on either side of the pin post.