Front Description
This pin features a Retro looking Minnie. Her dress is muted blue and lighter blue polka. dots and a white petticoat. She is wearing a red hat but instead of a daisy coming out of the top it’s an antenna. Her ears are bluish gray with light blue wavy lines across them. Her mouth is slightly open and is off center almost as if she were smirking. She is wearing white gloves and yellow shoes and appears to be dancing as her toes meet.
The 4 pin Set #149587, Mickey Mouse (gold tone finish) #144737, Minnie Mouse (silver tone finish) #145967, Donald Duck (rose gold finish) #149593, Stitch (silver tone finish) #146643.
Back Description
The back of the pin has the silver waffle mickey design. The Pin Trading Logo is in the center to the left of the top pin post with the year 2021. © Disney, China, Chine is just above the pin post in the left ear. The FAC # 046730 – 21202 and is printed below the logo. It has 2 nubs one on either side of the two pin posts.