Front Description
This pin is 1” wide and 1 ½” tall and shows Finn standing with his arms folded across his chest. It was released in Walt Disney World and Disneyland in November 2021. He is wearing a brown jacket and blue pants with red inseams and stripe down his right leg. He appears to be wearing a brown utility belt and brown boots. There are 8 pins in this Rebel Alliance mystery box set and when all 8 pins are lined up next to each other, they complete a puzzle with the Millennium Falcon outlined behind them.
Set: Vi Moradi #145794, R2D2 #158927, Poe #, Finn #146946, Rey #158926, Chewbacca #158925, BB8 #, C3PO #
Back Description
The back of the pin has the metallic pewter waffle mickey design.
© Disney, © TM Lucasfilm LTD, Made in China, Fabrique En Chine, Hechio En China is directly below the pin post. Below that and to the left is the pin trading logo with the year 2022, and to the right of that is a box which reads Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. The FAC # is printed at the very bottom of the pin. It has 2 nubs one on either side of the pin post.