Front Description
This pin is from a 5 pin set plus include completer. These pins feature: On the very left there is Dumbo flying over the carnival. Next to Dumbo, there is Peter Pan in front of the clock tower. Next to Peter Pan, there is Alice in Wonderland in front of some plants. Next to Alice, there is Pinocchio with the famous whale. Lastly all the way to the right, there is Snow White with a castle. Snow White is the completer pin in this set.
Set #147281, Snow White #147276, Peter Pan #147277, Pinocchio #147278, Dumbo #147279, Alice #147280
Back Description
On the back of this silver pin: Mickey icon lasered, Scripted: Pin trading logo 2020, LIMITED EDITION 1750, ©DISNEY MADE IN CHINA, FAC #