Front Description
This pin is a 8 pin set. In this picture, it shows Tiana and Prince Naveen from the movie Princess and the Frog. On the right, Tiana is in her green, crème, and teal dress. She has her left hand on the top of the Princes right hand. Her right arm is resting on her side. Tiana has beautiful black curly hair which is pulled up into a bun, She has on a crème colored tiara. She has a blue necklace on and a teal and crème flower on her dress. She is giving us a smile. On the left side, is Prince Naveen. He has his left arm on his hip and his right hand is holding Tiana's. He is in his Prince outfit. It is green, crème, and teal. It matches Tiana's dress.
Set #147295, Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming #147282, Rapunzel and Flynn #147283, Tiana and Prince Naveen #147286, Belle and the Beast #147289, Ariel and Prince Eric #147290, Jasmine and Aladdin #147292, Snow White and Prince Charming #147293, Cinderella and Prince Charming #147294
Back Description
On the back of this silver pin: Mickey icon lasered, Scripted: Pin trading logo 2020, LIMITED EDITION 750, ©DISNEY MADE IN CHINA, FAC #