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PP147356    DSSH - Mei and Red Panda Mei - Turning Red - Spinner

Front Description

This pin features Meilin (Mei) Lee from Pixar's, Turning Red. Around the border of the spinner are red, black, pink, and pale yellow buildings on a red background. Mei with red hair, glasses, a mint color barrette and a white collar is on one side and her as the red panda is on the other. The background of the spinner is shimmering pink.


Marquee #147355, Spinner #147356, Group #147357, Zen Panda #147358, 4 Pin Set #147360, Mei Face #147362, Panda Flag #147363, RPG #147364, 4 Town CD #147365, Too Cute #159098

Back Description

The back is light gold, double post w/ 2-nubs,, Disney Studio Store Hollywood, Limited Edition 400, ©Disney/Pixar, China, FAC #.

9 Linked Pins

  1. DSSH - MeiLin - Turning Red - Marquee
  2. DSSH - Red Panda Mei, Abby, Miriam, and Priya - Turning Red
  3. DSSH - Zen Panda - Turning Red
  4. DSSH - Mei, Panda Flag, RPG, 4 Town CD - Turning Red
  5. DSSH - Mei Lee - Turning Red
  6. DSSH - Red Panda Flag - Turning Red
  7. DSSH - RPG - Red Panda Girl - Turning Red
  8. DSSH - 4 Town CD - Turning Red
  9. DSSH - Too Cute - Pink Red Panda - Mei Lin - Turning Red
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