Front Description
This pin features Meilin (Mei) Lin, Abby, Miriam, and Priya from Pixar's, Turning Red. The panda is orangish brown ombre with dark reddish brown on its left arm, white ears, nose, and on the side of its face. Abby is wearing a light purple turtleneck with dark purple overalls with pink, yellow and orange flowers on it. Miriam is wearing a light green beanie, a green plaid shirt, dark green pants and black shoes. Priya is wearing an orange stripped shirt with a yellow collar, brown pants, and white shoes.
Marquee #147355, Spinner #147356, Group #147357, Zen Panda #147358, 4 Pin Set #147360, Mei Face #147362, Panda Flag #147363, RPG #147364, 4 Town CD #147365, Too Cute #159098
Back Description
The back is gold with ice cream cone pattern and a flat metal box with text "Disney Studio Store Hollywood Limited Edition 400 ©Disney/Pixar China" and the FAC #.