Front Description
This pin features Meilin (Mei) Lee as the red panda from Pixar's movie, Turning Red. She's reddish orange with dark reddish brown on her hands and inside her ears. She has white on her ears, eye brows, cheeks, and nose with dark reddish brown stripes on her midriff and on her tail. She's sitting behind a brown, pink, orange, light pink, and white temple. The background is shimmering gold. There are pink clouds that have dark pink swirls and a white moon in the sky.
Marquee #147355, Spinner #147356, Group #147357, Zen Panda #147358, 4 Pin Set #147360, Mei Face #147362, Panda Flag #147363, RPG #147364, 4 Town CD #147365, Too Cute #159098
Back Description
The back is gold with an ice cream cone pattern, text "DISNEY STUDIO STORE HOLLYWOOD Limited Edition 400 ©Disney/Pixar China" and FAC - 2 posts, 4 nubs