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PP148214    Sedesma - Sleeping Beauty Set

Front Description

This is a 6 pin set that features characters from Sleeping Beauty. All the pins have " Sleeping Beauty" written in the white rectangle under the character. The top left pin is Sleeping Beauty - princess Aurora (Briar Rose). He has beautiful long blonde color hair and she is smiling. Next to that pin, Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip. She is in her beautiful blue dress. She is kissing Prince Phillip. He has on a red cape and blue under attire. Next to that pin, the three fairies. In the red is Flora with white hair. In the light green is Fauna. Lastly, in the blue is Merryweather, They are all smiling and looking to the right. The pin on the left bottom is Sleeping Beauty holding her hands together. She has long blonde hair and her head is tilted to the right. She is in a grey and black dress. The pin next to her is Prince Phillip holding a sword. Phillip wears a dark steel blue shirt, green pants, black belt with yellow buckle and maroon red cape. His right hand is raised chest high to the left; he holds a dark steel blue sword, which points upward. In his left hand, he holds a dark steel blue shield with yellow front; it is turned to the right and is seen from its side. Last pin is Maleficent. She has two big black horns on her head. She face is a green/blue color with red lipstick and purple eyeshadow. She is wearing a black and red cape.


Sleeping Beauty (Aurora) head shot #19936 , Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip #19934 , Sleeping Beauty - 3 Fairies #31719 , Sleeping Beauty Hands Together #32702 , Prince Phillip with Sword #100305, Maleficent # 31664

Back Description

Gold sandblast, 1 post, 1 nub, ©Disney SEDESMA SA

9 Linked Pins

  1. Sedesma - Aurora and Prince Phillip - Blue Dress - Sleeping Beauty
  2. Prince Phillip
  3. Sedesma - Briar Rose Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
  4. Sedesma - Maleficent - Sleeping Beauty
  5. Sedesma - Fairies - Flora Fauna Merryweather - Sleeping Beauty
  6. Sedesma - Briar Rose - Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
  7. Aurora & Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty Series (Black Metal)
  8. Sedesma - Prince Phillip with Sword - Sleeping Beauty - Black
  9. Sedesma - Briar Rose - Profile - Sleeping Beauty - Black
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