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PP148521    DEC - Mrs Jumbo, Dumbo, and Stork - Sleep Time - 80th Anniversary

Front Description

This cast member exclusive pin commemorates the 80th anniversary of the movie, Dumbo. Mrs. Jumbo is holding baby Dumbo in her trunk and the stork is standing to the left. The ring floor is dark yellow, the columns are black, the rings are dark red and black stripes, and the tent top is black and dark red stripes. Text "Dumbo 80" is at the top in gold on a red banner with a light blue, yellow and red ball on each side. Mrs.Jumbo is wearing her light pink hat and light blue and light pink shall. Text "Dumbo 80" is in gold on a red banner at the top. The outline of the pin is gold with red stars and looks like a ticket.


Set: Bath TIme #, Circus #161853, Big Ears #161854, Sleep Time #148521, Best Friends #148520

Back Description

The back is sand blasted gold, has the Disney Employee Center logo, says "Limited Edition 250 Disney Made In China" and FAC #.

3 Linked Pins

  1. DEC - Dumbo and Timothy - Best Friends - 80th Anniversary
  2. DEC - Dumbo and Timothy - Circus - 80th Anniversary
  3. DEC - Dumbo, Matriarch, Giddy, Catty and Prissy - Big Ears - 80th Anniversary
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