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PP148660    JDS - Caterpillar - Easter 5 Pin Set

Front Description

These pin feature a clever 5 pin Easter Set. This pin features a cute caterpillar. He is dark green and the under side of him is a lime green color. He has 8 little legs that you can see. Four of those legs are on the ground and the other are by his sides. He has a cute smile and a red nose. On top of his head, he has two yellow antennas.



Set #148655, Dale #148656, Egg Unhatched #148657, Chip #148658, Caterpillar #148660, Chick #148659

Back Description

On the back of this silver pin: One stub, ©DISNEY

5 Linked Pins

  1. JDS - Chip and Dale - Easter 5 Pin Set
  2. JDS - Dale - Easter 5 Pin Set
  3. JDS - Unhatched Egg - Easter 5 Pin Set
  4. JDS - Chip - Easter 5 Pin Set
  5. JDS - Chick - Easter 5 Pin Set
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