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PP148848    Marvel - Wakanda Forever Box Set

Front Description

Four pin box set from the movie Black Panther. One pin is silver with a black panther on it and the wording "WAKANDA FOREVER". One pin is silver with a Black Panther Marvel Icon. One is the Killmonger Panther suit mask. One is black and purple and reads "BLACK PANTHER" in a panther head shape.


SET #148848, Letter Shape #148852, Panther Icon #148850, Wakanda #148849, Kilmonger #148851


Back Description

Back: Pins are either silver or black backed with the MARVEL logo and ©Marvel

4 Linked Pins

  1. Marvel - Panther - Wakanda Forever
  2. Marvel - Black Panther Icon - Wakanda Forever
  3. Marvel - Killmonger - Wakanda Forever
  4. Marvel - Black Panther Letter Shape - Wakanda Forever
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