Front Description
Part of a 12 pin mystery set themed to the KiteTails show Disney's Animal Kingdom at WDW. Each box came with two randomly packaged pins.
Front: View from below as Crush the righteous sea turtle from Finding Nemo wails above with joyful smile and flippers pushing him along.
Hathi/Chaser #148968, Zazu #148966, Meeko #148967, Nemo #148963, Nala #148959, Crush #148958, King Louis #148965, Rafiki #148960, Bagheera #148961, Shere Kahn #148957, Pua #148962, Ray #14896460, Bagherra #148961, Shere Kahn #148957, Pua #148962, Ray #148964.
Back Description
The back is silver with mickey head imprints, pin trading logo, text "©Disney Made In China Fabrique En Chine Hecho En China Dibuat Di Tiongkok" and FAC #