Front Description
Part of a 12 pin mystery set themed to the KiteTails show Disney's Animal Kingdom at WDW. Each box came with two randomly packaged pins.
King Louie the musical orangutan from The Jungle Book hang on to a yellow and silver kite.
Hathi/Chaser #148968, Zazu #148966, Meeko #148967, Nemo #148963, Nala #148959, Crush #148958, King Louis #148965, Rafiki #148960, Bagheera #148961, Shere Kahn #148957, Pua #148962, Ray #148964
Back Description
The back is silver with mickey head imprints, pin trading logo, text "©Disney Made In China Fabrique En Chine Hecho En China Dibuat Di Tiongkok" and FAC #