Front Description
This six-pin set features Duffy and Friends. In the top left corner, Duffy the bear. He is fuzzy and has different color browns in his fur. He has a light blue and green hat on. He has a cute little smile on his face. He has a blue top on and stripped pants. His shoes are blue and purple. He seems to be walking due to his body language. Next to him, Olu the turtle. Olu has a green and yellow body. Both of Olu's hands are in the air, Olu has on a cute sun hat with a bee design on it. Olu seems to be happy. You can see the turtle shell on his back. He has on a blue, yellow, and pink attire. There are silver stars on his pants and a cool design on his shirt. His shoes are blue and pink. Next to him is, StellaLou the bunny. She is a fuzzy cute purple bunny. Both of her ears are up in the air. She has on a pink bow in front of her ears. She seems to be jumping with her hands in the air. She is smiling. Her top is pink and yellow with a purple flower by her neck. The top has a star pattern design on it. Her skirt is blue and pink which matches her shoes. In the bottom left, Gelatoni the cat. He is a cute little grey and white furred cat. He seems to be dancing by the way his arms are out to the side and the placement of his feet. Both of his ears are up. He has on a green, blue, and yellow hat. He has a cute pink nose and a smile on his face. You can see his whiskers. He has on a blue and orange top on. He is wearing light blue bottom jeans. His shoes are purple and black. He has a long tail to the left of him with a white fluffy tip. Next to him is, ShellieMay the bear. She is a two toned pink furry bear. On top of her head, a bright pink and blue bow. In her left hand, there is a tan like butterfly. Her top is purple and yellow with a pink bow by her neck. The design on the top is circles. Her skirt is a bright pink color with little purple flowers on it. She has her left leg lifted up like she is skipping. Her shoes match her attire. They are purple with little yellow flowers on them. Lastly, there is CookieAnn the dog. CookieAnn seems to be dancing or excited. She has on a purple sun hat that has yellow flowers on it and a orange band. She is smiling and her eyes are green. She has both arms out to the side. Her top is orange and purple with a flower design. By her neck, there is a blue flower. Her skirt is a beautiful purple color. Her shoes are purple with a silver flower design. A cute set for summer time!
Set: Duffy #149011, Olu #149017, StellaLou #149016, Gelatoni #149014, ShellieMay #149013, CookieAnn #149015, Complete Set #149011
Back Description
On the back of the silver pin: lasered pin trading logo, ©DISNEY HONG KONG DISNEYLAND # of 6