Front Description
This pin is from a 6 pin set featuring Duffy and Friends. This pin features CookieAnn the dog. CookieAnn seems to be dancing or excited. She has on a purple sun hat that has yellow flowers on it and a orange band. She is smiling and her eyes are green. She has both arms out to the side. Her top is orange and purple with a flower design. By her neck, there is a blue flower. Her skirt is a beautiful purple color. Her shoes are purple with a silver flower design. A cute set for summer time!
Set #149011, Duffy #149011, Olu #149017, StellaLou #149016, Gelatoni #149014, ShellieMay #149013, CookieAnn #149015
Back Description
On the back of the silver pin: lasered pin trading logo, ©DISNEY HONG KONG DISNEYLAND 4 of 6