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PP149022    HKDL - Orange Bird - Walt Disney World PassPort - 2022 Trading Carnival

Front Description

This is from a 6 pin set of PassPorts. This pin features Walt Disney World. This passport is a lot like Disneyland Resort. It has the teal background with a blue, white, and orange design. Then a castle in the middle of the pin. At the bottom in gold it reads, "Walt Disney World". Inside this hinged pin you will find Orange Bird. The background inside is a tan color to it. On the left side of the pin, it reads Visa on the top in black. The green stamp reads, "PIN TRADING CARNIVAL 2022". Below that, there is two colored stamps of Orange Bird. On he has both of his green wings out. He seems to be standing in place. The other one is Orange Bird's face with a quote bubble above him. Below both of those reads "FLORIDA " in big letters. The word is written in orange with a purple flower below it. On the other side of the pin is Orange Birds profile. There is a rectangular picture of Orange Bird in color. He has on Mickey ears. There is a place to write your name and signature below the picture. Under his name he wrote, "The Original Florida Orange Bird". For the signature he did the same thing but in a different font.


Set #149019, Oswald #149020, Orange Bird #149022, Dale #149024, Mickey #149021, Minnie #149023, Stitch #149025

Back Description

On the back of this gold pin: lasered mickey head all over, Pin trading logo, 2 of 6 , PIN TRADING CARNIVAL, PRESENTED BY WALT DISNEY WORLD RESORT, LIMITED EDITION 600, WALT DISNEY WORLD, ©DISNEY, two studs

6 Linked Pins

  1. HKDL - The Happiest Place on Earth - PassPort - Set
  2. HKDL - Oswald - Disneyland Passport - 2022 Trading Carnival
  3. HKDL - Mickey Mouse - Shanghai Disney Resort Passport - 2022 Trading Carnival
  4. HKDL - Minnie Mouse - Tokyo Disney Resort Passport - 2022 Trading Carnival
  5. HKDL - Dale - Hong Kong Passport - 2022 Trading Carnival
  6. HKDL - Stitch - Disneyland Paris Passport - 2022 Trading Carnival
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