Front Description
This pin is from a 11 pin set of luggage tags from Hong Kong. This pin features 101 Dalmatians. The pin itself is shaped like a luggage tag. The pin is outline in white stitches all around it. The top of the pin is black with a red button. The tag itself is black and white with a design like the Dalmatians. In the middle of the pin, 101 Dalmatians is written out in a black color. The background is pink behind the dog. A puppy is below the name. The puppies body is turned to the side. He is looking to the left. Both of his black and pink ears are showing. His left ear is up in the air. He is smiling and has on a grey like collar.
Set #149036, Stitch #149051, Marie #149039, Bambi #149040, Pascal #149044, Miguel #149042, 101 Dalmatian #149043, Mike #149050, Pooh #149041, Sadness #149048, Nala #149049, Simba #149047
Back Description
On the back of the silver pin: Lasered mickey heads all over, two stubs, pin trading logo, HONG KONG DISNEYLAND, PIN TRADING CARNIVAL, 4 of 11, ©DISNEY